IRH with HeroNet (Internet-Ready House)

What is IRH – Internet-Ready House?

IRH is a house that Internet service is already installed and contracted. Internet connection is ready to use on the day that you move in the house. IRH houses are currently available in Misawa, Japan and surrounding areas.  You do not have to pay and wait for optical fiber installation which usually are expensive and takes a few weeks to sometimes months to complete installation.

You do not have to make long-term contract commitment like other Internet service providers. There will be no cancellation fee when you move.

How to find an IRH house?

Ask local off-base housing realtors or housing office if there are any houses with IRH.

How to apply

Visit HeroNet office with following documents:

  • Picture ID/Passport
  • House address with house number

We will provide you with NTT Internet modem with Wi-Fi router after application.


This is an all inclusive Internet package. NTT optical fiber line fee and provider fee are included.
