Technical Support Request Form Please fill out the form below for Technical Support Request. Our representative will contact you as soon as possible. User Information Last Name * First Name* Middle Name TEL (Cell) * E-mail * Location of Internet House number* Request Details The Internet doesn't workThe Internet is slowVPN ProblemsOther Please tell us more details of your problem. HeroNet Technical Support Policy The first on-site technical support fee will be free for setting up an Internet connection in Misawa area. Technical support fee will be charged when a customer requests support for problems caused by the customer's own PCs, routers, or peripheral equipment such as printers. There will be no charge for issues related to HeroNet server or exterior wiring for optical fiber or when HeroNet technician cannot solve the problem. When a customer requests a support for the same issues as the first request within 14 days, there will be no charge for the second visit. HeroNet technicians cannot provide assistance for connections to TV, Game device, printer, or any Peripheral equipment. I understand and agree with the policy above regarding technical support.